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Your First Name
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What are you looking for?
How many copies (in total or per version) should be printed?
How many pages, including cover, should be printed?
What are the dimensions of the document, when it is open and closed? (Describe the format or specify the size in mm: height + width open, height + width closed)
What thickness of paper (grammage) do you want for the cover and and for the inside pages? (If you know the grammage, indicate this in g / m², otherwise describe, in your own words, the thickness required)
What kind of paper do you want for the cover and the inside pages? (If you wish, please specify: matt, semi-matte, glossy, offset or recycled paper)
The cover and the inside pages will be printed in how many colors? (Describe: black and white printing or printing 1, 2, 3, 4 (quadri), 5, or 6 colors)
Do you want a special finish? (If yes, describe: perforation, drilling, cutting, varnish, UV varnish, lamination, ...)
Would you like a binding? (If yes, please specify: staples, glued square back, spirals, ...)
Are you going to hand over the material yourself, or do you also want a proposal for the layout? (Describe the format of your files or the desired graphic layout)
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