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What are you looking for?
What do you want to print? (Please select a proposal) ---StickersMousepadsFlagsPackagingPlastic bagsPaper bagsother
What type of material should be printed on? (Please select a proposal) PapierCartonTextilePlastiqueBoisMétalVerreJe ne sais pasAutre
How many copies (in total or per version) are there to print? (Describe the number of pieces, possibly by different version)
What are the approximate dimensions of the material to be printed? (Describe the format or specify the size in mm)
How many colors do you need to print? (Describe: black and white printing or printing 1, 2, 3, 4 (quadri), 5, or 6 colors)
Are you going to hand over the material yourself, or do you also want a proposal for the layout? (Describe the format of your files or the desired graphic layout)
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